Contact Us

Detailed price quotes for products, installations or repairs are best handled one on one in person or by telephone rather than email. We have found that more precise estimates and better customer relationships are forged through real conversation!

General questions such as the products and services we offer, order status, appointment dates or detailed directions are easily handled by Email.

Please fill out the below form to the best of your knowledge, if you don't know just leave it blank. The more info you can provide the better understanding upfront we will have of your request. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the below form!

*We Do not offer services for:

PA inspection, body lifts, under hood, electrical, fuel system, brakes, cooling system, exhaust system, engine or trans swaps, cutting driveshafts or axle housings, or offer wheel accessories, thanks.


4x4 Suspension and Gear

610 Garfield Ave.
Lansdale, PA 19446